Wednesday 27 November 2013

Week 13

My studio space in Leith School of Art.  This image should give you an idea of the scale I've been working on.
Portrait and camel study, oilbar and graphite
Elephant study, oilbar and graphite
New large drawing of camel and figure (wax, oilbar and graphite)
Drawing detail
Painting continued from last week.  Completely reworked and now seemingly almost finished
Painting detail
Painting detail

Friday 22 November 2013

Week 12

Giraffe study, graphite and oilbar
Elephant study, graphite and oilbar
Painting continued but probably not finished

Abstract detail with animal shapes

This is one of two paintings which I started and finished this week.  It's roughly 2x3ft which is a much smaller scale than what I've been working on.
Painting detail.  I primed the board with a bright cobalt blue acrylic paint which you can see coming through in the scratch marks.  Having a brighter ground causes you to work in a brighter palette.
This is the second of the two smaller paintings
Painting detail

Thursday 14 November 2013

Week 11

The last few weeks have been disrupted by various things.  This week I was on jury duty so I only had two days in the studio.  But if you work hard you can do a lot in two days!
Figure amoungst animals drawing (oilbar and graphite)

Drawing detail
Painting continued from last week.  Camel and elephants with distant reflection of figure in mirror.  (probably finished)

Painting detail
Painting detail.  This image gives you an idea of the surface texture of a painting.

New painting with cooler palette

Painting detail

Friday 8 November 2013

Week 10

Camel and mirror study (ink, oil bar and graphite)
Camel and mirror study (oil pastel)

Oil painting continued from last week with figure, camel and elephants
Oil painting detail

Oil painting detail

Friday 1 November 2013

Week 9

Oil bar and graphite animal drawing
Oil bar and graphite animal drawing
Oil bar and graphite animal drawing
New oil painting with animals and figure
Painting detail