Personal Statement

I am a Scottish born artist living and working in Edinburgh. I began my creative career at Leith School of Art in 2002 where I left with a Foundation Course Certificate with distinction and the painting prize for my year. I was admitted directly to second year of a four year course at Edinburgh College of Art in Drawing and Painting where my skills were channelled in new ways culminating in a Degree with Honours.

Over the past few years, alongside other employment, I have continued to develop my work.   In 2011 I was able to study again at Leith School of Art on a two day a week drawing course which was of huge benefit and particularly helped me to rediscover formal qualities in my work.  It’s a great joy to continue my relationship with LSA this year by becoming their resident artist.  I will have three days a week developing my practice in the school and a fourth day teaching alongside Kenneth Le Riche on the Figure Drawing Course.

My artistic practice is driven by a strong belief that I am made in the image of a creative God who gives me the ability to create things of significance and meaning.  The main focus in my drawing and painting is to investigate the profound qualities that exist in our surroundings.  I agree with Giorgio Morandi, who said,

“Even in a simple subject, a great painter can achieve majesty of vision and an intensity of feeling to which we immediately respond.”  

Like Morandi I work from simple subject matter seeking to communicate the value and richness of the world we live in.  For the past few years I have worked predominantly from still life objects such as bottles, jars and animal ornaments.  I enjoy the fact that though these are seemingly lifeless artefacts, when they are depicted in painting and drawing they are shown to have personality and speak something of the depth of meaning in all that surrounds us.

Inspired by artists such as Frank Auerbach and Leon Kossoff, my work is characterised by a language of expressive mark making. This character realises itself successfully in my large drawings although I feel it is lost to some extent in my paintings.  This year, therefore, I want to work hard at painting.  I want to make large, ambitious pieces that retain marks full of energy while successfully depicting formal elements and colour.

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